Gorge Walking in the Duddon Valley

Another great summer of fun!

Another great summer of Outdoor Adventure Can you believe we are already half way through September? I blinked and the summer was over!  It may not have been the sunniest of summers, but we made the most of what we had, and it would seem that our groups enjoyed themselves, too. Here’s some of the […]

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Dabbing al the way after a Gorge Walk

Feedback so far from 2016

We’ve had some great activity feedback so far this year, so here’s a bit of tooting from our own trumpet! Hi, I just wanted to send a quick email to a say massive thank you for the Ghyll Scrambling on Saturday morning.  The staff were exceptional and all the lads said they had an amazing […]

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Mountain Biking in the Lake District

Some feedback from spring and summer 2015

Customer Feedback from 2015 ————————————————————————————————————————– Your name: Melanie Llewellyn Activity Date(s): 1st September 2015 Activity(s): 1/2 day sailing No in Group: 3 Please give a score out of 5 and comments on the following areas: Website (Information and Navigation) 5  Booking Process and Information 5  Meet and Greet 5  Activity Experience (Pitch, Kit, Content) 5 […]

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