Thank you for a fantastic 2018!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from RDMH

The winter months do become quieter her at RDMH HQ, but it gives us the opportunity to do some reflecting on the great year we’ve just had.

And this year was our 15th Birthday too, which made it all the more special for us!

It was also an odd year this year from a weather point of view. Snow in March is not uncommon in these parts, but the weeks of warm hot sunny weather that followed created some sights we haven’t seen before, and Johan had never seen Coniston Water so low in his 20 years of instructing there.

It was a little touch-and-go due to a distinct lack of water in some of the gorges, and signs of algae in the lakes as we approached the school summer holidays, but we needn’t have worried because just as we were considering the accuracy of rain dances, true to form the weather broke just as the schools did!

The rain never stops play for us though, and the sun was kind enough to show its face again quickly, so we had yet another busy and fun filled summer!

Now, if you’re familiar with the #best9 photo hashtag on a certain social media site, you might have guessed what’s coming next.

However, because I’m not held by the constraints of just 9 little boxes, and because I wanted another excuse to look back on our fantastic year of activities, plus I couldn’t keep my choice down to just 9 if my life depended on it, here is the #rdmhbestof2018. I think it has a certain ring to it.

Thank you to everyone who has made our birthday year of 2018 so much fun. We’ll be taking a well-earned rest over the Christmas period, but we’ll be back with bells on to do it all again in 2019!

If you’d like to come and take part in activities in 2019, you can check availability on our website, drop us an email enquiry, or call Emma and Beth directly on 015395 28666.

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone!