Indoor Climbing

Outdoor Instructor Training Climbing

Outdoor Instructor Training Climbing It’s the end of term, and the students are breaking up for the holidays so we have gone to explore some large climbing walls at the Blackpool towers and Manchester climbing wall. Both offer something very different to our local crags and local climbing walls. On arriving at Blackpool you are […]

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Sailing skills coaching on Coniston Water

Sailing in the Lake District

Windy Sailing in the Lake District Johan’s Wind…We’re talking about Sailing – obviously! A crazy windy day, and our highly qualified Sailing instructor could take our group out for an exciting and full on Sailing session. Winds were forecast at 40 miles per hour on Coniston Water on this day!! Epic adventures​! For information about […]

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Gorge Walking in the Lake District

Family Gorge Walking Feedback

Family Gorge Walking in the Lake District Great Feedback – we have a great team! Your name: Adam Rowan Activity Date(s): 26/08/11 Activity(s): gorge Walk No in Group: 3 Please give a score our of 5 and comments on the following areas: Website (Information and Navigation) 4 Booking Process and Information 5 Meet and Greet […]

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Dinghy Sailing in the Lake District

Sailing in the Lake District

Sailing in the Lake District It’s not bad when your third day back to work after maternity leave consists of an afternoon Sailing on Coniston Water!   Johan and I met up with Linda and Chris and no sooner than our buoyancy aids were on, we were into the Hawk and heading off across the […]

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Hen Party Activities in the Lake District

Hen Do Gorge Walking

Hen Party Activities in the Lake District Gorge Walking near Coniston for an energetic Hen Group. They had great fun on Saturday and have said they want to do it again! Great group activity for a Hen Do with a twist!   For more information about Hen Party Activities and Hen House Parties, please visit […]

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