The RDMH Team

Meet the RDMH Team

If you have called, emailed or experienced activites with RDMH, it’s pretty much a given that you will have seen or spoken to at least one of the core team members. How can I be so sure? Well, lets just say, the team here at River Deep Mountain High is ‘small but perfectly formed’.

Who are we? Well there’s…

Business partner, office manager, instructor, netball queen, and chocolate brownie baker extraordinaire (though in my opinion, she needs to offer the brownies round for quality control testing more often).

Emma grew up in Chesterfield, gateway to the Peak District, and a part of her has always enjoyed paddling (in bare feet) in rivers and playing on rocks. Despite this, she staunchly refuses to be classed as an outdoors type as shopping, gardening and cafes are her preferred passions! She completed an MEng in Civil Engineering with Management at Birmingham University, but then followed Johan to the Lake District (he is her husband after all) where she has worked in marketing, training, customer service, cooking and personnel as well as some outdoor instructing – well, inevitable really.


Senior instructor, business partner, ski-kite/kite-board/general outdoor activity nut, husband to Emma, and unashamed taker of selfie’s in beauty spots around the Lakes.

Johan’s love of the outdoors established itself at a young age, with Mountain Biking and Kayaking being his number one pastimes as a teenager in Nottinghamshire. He then went to Birmingham University to get a BSc in Sport and Exercise Sciences. As well as being the place where he met Emma, Birmingham also opened the opportunity of becoming a trainee instructor at the university’s own outdoor pursuits centre on Coniston Water.  After this he worked at some of the many outdoor centres in the Lakes where he honed his own style of giving people a pleasurable experience of outdoor sports on which he and Emma built River Deep Mountain High.

Beth (me). Answerer of enquiries, taker of bookings, open water swimming, allotment digging eater of chocolate brownies and other cake related products.

Though half Bahamian, I grew up in Cumbria walking the fells, swimming in the lakes and pottering in boats on summers days. After what I thought was escaping Cumbria for the bright lights of Sheffield and London on 1999, I returned 4 years later with a Fine Art degree and a fiancee, and we’ve been back home ever since. A stint in retail left me with a love of meeting new customers, so when I started working for RDMH in 2009, it was clear I’d found a job that perfectly combined my love of chatting and my love of the Lake District. If there is anything you want to know about the activities RDMH offer, getting booked in, or the best cafes to visit while you’re in the Lakes (that’s a long list – see previous blogs), I’m your gal!



And last but not least, there is the most hard working and dedicated to her position member of the team, and oddly, the whole reason I started this particular post…

Jess, the cat.
Ever since her unexpected, and somewhat miraculous arrival via Emma’s car engine – having investigated locally, we think she strayed from the nearby farm and sheltered in there after losing her way back – she has been a firm member of the RDMH team.

She was a tiny, feisty, feral kitten when she arrived, but very quickly settled into life here. How she copes with a 20 second commute from Emma and Johan’s cottage to her favourite position on the printer, looking out at that awful view and periodically having her ears tickled, is beyond me! And yes, we do apologise to her when we need to print something.

So there you have it. We’re a small team, we love what we do, and we do it well!

So why not give us a call, and we’ll get you on the road to a great activity experience! Well, Jess won’t. She’ll just look at the phone disapprovingly because the ring disturbed her snooze!

To get in touch you can call 015395 28666, visit