Family Activity Holiday pt2 – Itinerary Ideas

Family Activity Holiday pt2 – Itinerary Ideas

Holiday booked off work
Accommodation confirmed

Number of activity sessions decided on

Great stuff. That’s all you need to get booked in with us. And if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to decide which activities you want.

But what kind of itinerary will suit your family?

In my mind, most families fall into one of 5 basic categories. You’ve got…
  1. The All Weather Family – Queries about the weather generally get the response of, “Why did we buy all those waterproofs if we’re not going to use them? It’s only a bit of rain. The ducks don’t mind, why should we?” I can almost hear my own mothers voice.
  2. The Fair Weather Family – Not at all adverse to a spot of outdoor fun, given the right conditions. What’s the weather going to do tomorrow? Rain. Hmmm. Let’s check again in a few hours. Maybe we’ll go next week. What’s on in the Cinema?
  3. The Competitive Family – Parents and children alike vying for the winners crown with everything they do. No challenge is frowned upon, and the first to yawn at the end of the day has to make the brews.
  4. The Age Gap Family – The teenager vs the infant. How do you please them both and still have a wonderful family holiday without splitting your time constantly between soft-play centres and Topshop?
  5. The Urban Family – This family love the idea of getting out into the coutry and experiencing The Great Outdoors, but when faced with the realities of the sights, smells and openness of the place, realise they were not quite as mentally prepared as they’d hoped.

I’m sure we could delve further into the spectrum of The Family (Marlon Brando voice), but from the hundreds we’ve spoken to and arranged activities with, I’d say that’s a fairly accurate breakdown.

So, what category do you fall into, and what combination of activities is going to make your family holiday the best you’ve had in years?

We have a range of activities to suit children from as young as 6 years old. All the activities we offer are suitable for total beginners, and if you’ve got some prior experience, we’ve always got a way of adding more challenge.

We thought it would be useful to show some Family Bundle itinerary examples, to give you an idea of how you can fit activities into a week long holiday.


Gorge Walking in the Lake District
Hot chocolate stop in Stickle Ghyll

4 session Bundle with children aged 6+:

  • Monday – ½ day Canoeing
  • Tuesday – ½ day Archery
  • Wednesday – Day off to explore, or just chill
  • Thursday – ½ day Rock Climbing
  • Friday – ½  day Gorge Walk



“We loved all three activities for different reasons. Emma was a calm teacher and combined attention to safety with fun very nicely for our group of kids and adults. Johan was a similarly calm, careful and encouraging guide for our canoeing and gorge-walking. We had a great time, from the archery Holiday Game to the beautiful gorge and swimming into a waterfall (!) to the fantastic day on Coniston. Everything felt like a facilitated family day out rather than a forced ‘activity’, and we felt you both managed to please children and adults- no easy feat!
Thank you so much for 2 lovely days. We hope to return.”


Climbing in the Lake District
View from Pike O’Blisco on the Climbing Adventure Day

6 session Bundle with children age 10+:

  • Monday – Climbing Adventure Day
  • Tuesday – ½ day Mountain Biking
  • Wednesday – Day off to explore, or just chill
  • Thursday – Swallows and Amazons Canoeing day
  • Friday – ½ day Gorge Walk





“We really enjoyed the activities and would highly recommend for anyone looking to see the sights of the lakes and have some fun/adventure!”

8 session bundle with children age 12+:

  • Monday – ½ day Mountain Biking
  • Tuesday – Scramble and Abseil Adventure Day
  • Wednesday – Swallows and Amazons Canoeing day
  • Thursday – ½ day Climbing
  • Friday – ½ day Archery and ½ day Gorge Walk



“We just wanted to write to say thank you all so much for a fantastic week of activities; we have all come away having had a wonderful time on each of the different adventures you organised. Each of the 3 leaders we met (Will, Emma and Johan) were great, taking the time to talk with each of the people on the event and getting to know us all individually so you could cater for us (both in terms of physical food – hot chocolate or not – and level of difficulty) as appropriate. It was all much appreciated and added to our enjoyment!”
Of course, these are just examples, and you can do as few or as many activities as you feel will give the right balance to your family.
If you’re not sure what will work, we’re happy to chat options over if you need advice. Just get in touch with us at or on 015935 28666.